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Shannon Royden-Turner

My name is Shannon Royden-Turner, I am a strategic leadership advisor to top decision makers in Africa, a transformational development expert and a healer. I know that your physical reality is the sum of your thoughts made manifest. I also know that all life is kindled with purpose. That each and every one of us is born to a unique and valuable purpose. My purpose is to guide you past your thoughts; past your usual mode of thinking; past assumption, presumption and prejudice; past fear and shame; to clarity, certainty and influence. My purpose is to reconnect you to your true self I am certain that the quickest way to do this is to grow you, the leaders, among our people. That in rediscovering your heart's purpose, and leading from there, you will inspire others to do the same. I know that economies are built out of a deep human desire to find meaning in life; for each person to connect with their purpose, and then fulfil this purpose by going out and serving others.
1 Course
8 Students